Thursday, 20 March 2008

I can hear clearly

Last month, I talked about the ability to feel psychic and spiritual impressions. I would now like to continue on the theme of psychic gifts by describing my favourite one: clairaudience … the ability to hear the spirit world. 

For a medium, this is probably the greatest gift of them all. When I feel energy and images from the spirit world, a lot of it has to be interpreted in order for it to be meaningful. But when I hear a specific voice, there is no room for doubt and I find that the information is 99% accurate. Like all of my psychic gifts, clairaudience is not there all the time. I have discovered that my state of mind has a lot to do with it, so I work through a mixture of clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling) and clairaudience (hearing).


What clairaudience has taught me is how crucial it is to listen to people (in my case both living and deceased), not just in terms of what they say but - sometimes more importantly – how they say it. I have also discovered how important it is to listen to myself; the way I say things can really tell me how I feel about an issue or a person. A lot of people ask me if I do spiritual readings for myself and the answer is sadly ‘no’. This is because I know that my own desires and fears would get in the way, preventing an impartial reading. From time to time, however, I do hear from my family in the spirit world. My grandparents give me information about my everyday life, for example, particularly when it concerns events within my immediate family.


The most powerful experience I have had in this respect was when I was working in Iceland some years ago. My trip was due to last a fortnight and from the third evening on I began to hear a voice saying: “I am here, I am here”. I was not working at the time, so I didn’t pursue what I heard (I believe in a time to work and a time to rest). But the next day I heard the voice again and this time I recognised it. It belonged to my nan who, as far as I knew, was very much alive in Australia. She was a very strong-minded women and, as the days went on, her voice grew louder and clearer.

Then, at the end of the first week, I had a vivid dream about her and when I woke up she spoke to me again: “Daniel, I’ve gone dear. But I’m OK. You must tell grandad that I am not in pain anymore.” I’d be lying if I said this did not upset me, but after calming myself down I decided that I was just being paranoid. I called home the next morning and spoke to my mum, asking her if she had heard from ‘nana faraway’, as I called her. At this point she went very quite, so I told her what had happened; that I knew my nan had passed away and even that it had happened on the previous Tuesday. As I suspected, my mum had not wanted to tell me until I was at home surrounded by family.

 I went on to tell her about what I had experienced in Iceland, about the voice and the dream. Although it became very emotional and upsetting - as I love my nan very much – relating what had happened was an important process, as it gave some powerful proof to my family that she was safe and well. And I learnt very quickly from that point on about the need to always listen carefully. 

Saturday, 15 March 2008

One to Ones

This month, I would like to write about the people I do consultations for and how they react to the information I give them. The fascinating thing about my work is that I never know who I am going to be doing a consultation for, or what kind of spirit people I will be talking to on any given day. It could be someone’s mum or dad, a sibling, a grandparent, a lover, friend or even a pet. It might be all of them … you would be surprised.

Every person comes with a story, both in this life and the next. Sometimes that story is detailed, sometimes it is not.  From my point of view, I always want to give the best information I can - to touch the hearts I am working for and to bring happiness, and in many case some closure, to their grief. To date, the majority of my clients have been female, but more and more men are now finding it acceptable to see a medium. 

When I first began doing one-to-one sittings I read for a man who wanted a tarot reading, as this focuses on the individual and not the spirit world. The guy was an ex-marine who was extremely sceptical. I started the reading by giving him information about his current situation in life; where he was headed and what decisions he was having to consider. He jokingly agreed with everything I said and just put it down to lucky guesses.

This reading was meant to be purely about him - what we call a psychic reading. He was not open to hearing from the spirit world, as he did not believe in life after death. During the reading I became aware of the name Mary, so I asked if that was his mother’s name. He said that he did not know anyone by that name. At this point I was losing confidence and feeling very agitated, as all I heard in my head was ‘Mary, Mary’.

He then looked at me, smiling, and said the only person he knew who ever got called Mary was his brother - his dad used to call him this as a joke because he had long hair. As he told me this I was aware of a man behind me and I felt different - bigger, older and very sick. I must have looked it too, as the man I was reading for asked me what was going on. I just said: “I have had your dad here. He has lung cancer and was just like you - a man’s man.” I also gave him the name of his father, at which point he was as white as a ghost. He replied: “That’s my dad, what’s he doing here? It can’t be, he’s dead.”

I continued to tell him about his dad, including many details of his life. My client got very emotional and then stated to feel embarrassed, so I concluded the reading.  He just said: “Thank you … I think”, and left.

I bumped into him shortly after and he dismissed it all, claiming that it was all a load of ‘mumbo jumbo’. I didn’t mind, as I know that his dad managed to pass on his love and best wishes to his family. I then saw him again some time later and a lot of what I had told him about his life had actually happened. He just said: “I try not to think about it as it freaks me out.”

Everyone reacts differently to a personal consultation. Some say very little at the end, some cry, some laugh. Some go away very happy, whilst with others I am left guessing … until, perhaps, they book again a year later. People from all walks of life come to see me and I love the diversity to be found in their personalities and lives. They say that you should never judge a book by its cover … and this really does apply to the work I do. 

First published in The Xpat magazine - Spain

Thursday, 6 March 2008

A sense and Feeling

I wrote about the gift of clairvoyance, as this is something that is commonly associated with psychics and mediums. To continue on from that theme, I thought I would write this month about the gift of ‘clairsentience’ (clear sense or feeling). This is the ability to ‘feel’ things through intuition, which can be done through psychic ability or a mediumistic sense of the spirit world.

I would say that everyone actually has the gift of clairsentience. When you think about it, everybody feels; whether it be happy, sad, hot or cold. These are all feelings at the basic level. As a working medium, I use my feelings on a more advanced level all the time, becoming aware of my links with a feeling in order to sense something important that relates to it. It is a very valuable gift to have and most of us use it without even knowing it. How many times have you entered a room and known that things are just not right? Or perhaps you have met someone for the first time and had the sense that you have known them all your life. These are probably quite common experiences for many of you, although you do not usually recognise the true reason for them: your clairsentience.


If you choose to work on developing your psychic abilities, feelings become paramount. It’s quite common for people to get very emotional whilst developing their ability and this is, in fact, an important part of the process. I have seen people ignore their feelings and instincts many times during my years as a medium, and as a result their life is normally a lot more complicated then it needs to be. My philosophy is never to ignore your gut feelings. They are always correct, even when at times you don’t want them to be.


The spirit world and the universal mind communicate to us all through feelings. Sometime these are strong, sometimes they are very subtle; we just need to learn how to recognise and interpret them. The world is changing at a furious pace and more and more people are becoming sensitive to these changes. Now, more then ever, we must collectively learn to listen to what we feel about the earth and the environment, forging our way forwards to a better world. I believe that this is the only way forward for humanity. The spirit world is constantly sending us information to move away from famine, war and suffering. But only by listening more to our feelings can we create great changes for the better.

So many people ignore their true feelings when their life hits a hard patch. At these times, however, we should be aware of our inner spirit (the part of us that is eternal and all-knowing), which is on a constant pulse, sending feelings and inspiration from within to make us happy. Our inner-self in fact only wants happiness; so anything we say or do that goes against this natural pulse makes us unhappy. Hence the saying: “always listen to your heart, it only wants to be happy”.  

And this is exactly where the real development of humanity rests: in learning to listen to our hearts. Feel what it wants and where it’s taking you as an individual and then honour and respect it as a leading guide in your life. For me, clairsentience is the most valuable psychic gift that humanity has been blessed with. But sadly, it has been undervalued. Everyone has the right and ability to feel the touch of the universe and our loved ones from the spirit world; all you need to do is be still, relax and open yourself to it.