This month I’d like to cover a subject that is very close to my heart: the power of healing. When I first started to develop my skills as a medium, I also trained in spiritual healing. Along with other like-minded people who wanted to develop this very special gift, I learnt to allow my spirit friends to work through me in order to help others feel better.
There are many forms of healing available today. Alternative therapy is becoming a big industry in its own right. For now I am going to talk about spiritual healing, which includes absent healing (sending positive thoughts out to those who I know are in need of it). True healing means bringing the spirit into harmony with its surrounding environment. This is achieved by drawing upon the creative energy of life. For me, life is more than plants, animals and people. It is also an infinite cycle of thoughts and energy. Healing can occur in many different ways, including the act of giving proof of survival after physical death to someone who is grieving for a loved one. Letting them know that their loved one is safe and sound is healing in itself, aiding the bereavement process. Here are two other specific healing methods that I find very successful:
Spiritual Healing - This common practice of healing is through touch and is often referred to as “Hands on Healing”. The healer gently puts their hands on the person’s shoulders and allows the energy to flow through them, directed by the spirit world to the areas of the body or soul that need the healing energy.
Psychic or Magnetic Healing - This is when the healing power comes from the healer directly. Many potential healers start out this way and end up becoming tired and drained. Unless they have the right training or the desire to search deeper to find understanding, they may never get beyond this level of healing. There is nothing wrong with this type of healing but it can leave the healer feeling very depleted.
I believe that every living person has the gift of healing. I know that many of you reading this will have been there in someone’s hour of need, offering your ear to them and providing a shoulder to cry on. You have undoubtedly reached out and touched them to show comfort and support. Even stopping in the street and just smiling at someone who looks a bit lost can be a form of healing. Any act that produces a positive impact on someone’s life can be considered a healing act. I believe that with any illness, there is always a deeper spiritual cause. Our body speaks for our mind and soul, so if we become unwell the root of the problem is always on a mental or emotional level, as well as on the physical one. Spiritual healing can assist a person by moving them to a place of deep relaxation, a place where they are ready to look within in order to find the core of their illness. Simply put, healing is the process that enables us as individuals to connect and be in harmony with our inner spirit.
A good tip for any readers who may be feeling ill, for whatever reason, is firstly to stop and be still. Then ask your illness why it is there and what it is trying to tell you. Go with the first answer that comes into your mind, even if you don’t like it. Sometimes the truth hurts. I believe that ill health is our spirit’s way of telling us that we are ignoring its true desires. Only by overcoming this can we truly be happy and healthy.