Thursday, 3 April 2008

laws of nature

Having recently explored the theme of paranormal investigations.  I thought I would write a little this month about how mediums can be used in a more positive way during investigations that follow someone’s death. I often get asked questions from people who want to know about the situations that their loved ones have left behind. Commonly these questions relate to wills, financial issues, family estates or adoption issues.

Very recently I was asked to try and find out where some missing money had been put. The circumstances are very sad, as the person who left the money knew their illness was terminal. A friend of mine had been made executor of the will, but was only told a percentage of what needed to be done and cleared up once the person had died. Fortunately, I have been able to connect with the spirit and have given details which have been useful regarding the unresolved financial affairs. The information has recently been verified with the family concerned and they are now able to benefit from it.


Although I have personally never been involved, mediums have been used in criminal investigations, including searches for missing people. It is something I would be interested in, but I am also aware of the level of responsibility that goes with it. Attention to detail and acute accuracy would be paramount, as there are potential legal implications to this sort of work. There are many TV shows on psychic criminal investigations at the moment and I do find them very interesting, as it is something that can be used in a positive way.


The subject does bring some emotive questions into the picture, however. I have been asked a lot why the spirits of murder victims don’t use a medium to tell their loved ones who committed the crime. This question is rarely answered adequately, but my belief is that the universe is governed by natural law (different to the human laws we operate by) and that these laws keep the universe in balance. As human beings, we can choose whether or not to live in harmony with this natural law. Ultimately, the spirit world cannot interfere in our daily lives as this would infringe on the natural path our life is taking. That’s why I don’t receive the lottery numbers from the other side; it would change my life ... although for the better, I may add!


It is also why the spirit world would not provide the names and address of all those people who had committed crimes, no matter how much we would like them to. The impact would be massive and would change the natural course of life not only for the family of the victims and the guilty individuals, but also for everyone that knows them. It’s never just about just one person and I feel at times we forget this. I don’t proclaim to agree with these natural laws, but I do accept them. A part of spiritual development is to look at the big picture; every thought, action and word creates and changes more than we usually imagine. Of course it’s not impossible for the spirit world to give information which will lead to a criminal prosecution, but it is uncommon. Regardless of that though, I believe that no one escapes universal law and karma. What we give out in life, so shall it be returned.

It is all part of the bigger picture. We are all on a spiritual journey to enlightenment and we have an eternity to complete it. Spiritual and human evolvements are totally separate and one of the reasons we exist is to learn to express our spirit and let it lead us in life, instead of being controlled by the human part of us - the animalistic side. It is this that causes so much suffering on earth, hence the importance of learning to allow our spirit to be master over our primal self.

 “every thought, action and word creates and changes more than we usually imagine”

Thursday, 20 March 2008

I can hear clearly

Last month, I talked about the ability to feel psychic and spiritual impressions. I would now like to continue on the theme of psychic gifts by describing my favourite one: clairaudience … the ability to hear the spirit world. 

For a medium, this is probably the greatest gift of them all. When I feel energy and images from the spirit world, a lot of it has to be interpreted in order for it to be meaningful. But when I hear a specific voice, there is no room for doubt and I find that the information is 99% accurate. Like all of my psychic gifts, clairaudience is not there all the time. I have discovered that my state of mind has a lot to do with it, so I work through a mixture of clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling) and clairaudience (hearing).


What clairaudience has taught me is how crucial it is to listen to people (in my case both living and deceased), not just in terms of what they say but - sometimes more importantly – how they say it. I have also discovered how important it is to listen to myself; the way I say things can really tell me how I feel about an issue or a person. A lot of people ask me if I do spiritual readings for myself and the answer is sadly ‘no’. This is because I know that my own desires and fears would get in the way, preventing an impartial reading. From time to time, however, I do hear from my family in the spirit world. My grandparents give me information about my everyday life, for example, particularly when it concerns events within my immediate family.


The most powerful experience I have had in this respect was when I was working in Iceland some years ago. My trip was due to last a fortnight and from the third evening on I began to hear a voice saying: “I am here, I am here”. I was not working at the time, so I didn’t pursue what I heard (I believe in a time to work and a time to rest). But the next day I heard the voice again and this time I recognised it. It belonged to my nan who, as far as I knew, was very much alive in Australia. She was a very strong-minded women and, as the days went on, her voice grew louder and clearer.

Then, at the end of the first week, I had a vivid dream about her and when I woke up she spoke to me again: “Daniel, I’ve gone dear. But I’m OK. You must tell grandad that I am not in pain anymore.” I’d be lying if I said this did not upset me, but after calming myself down I decided that I was just being paranoid. I called home the next morning and spoke to my mum, asking her if she had heard from ‘nana faraway’, as I called her. At this point she went very quite, so I told her what had happened; that I knew my nan had passed away and even that it had happened on the previous Tuesday. As I suspected, my mum had not wanted to tell me until I was at home surrounded by family.

 I went on to tell her about what I had experienced in Iceland, about the voice and the dream. Although it became very emotional and upsetting - as I love my nan very much – relating what had happened was an important process, as it gave some powerful proof to my family that she was safe and well. And I learnt very quickly from that point on about the need to always listen carefully. 

Saturday, 15 March 2008

One to Ones

This month, I would like to write about the people I do consultations for and how they react to the information I give them. The fascinating thing about my work is that I never know who I am going to be doing a consultation for, or what kind of spirit people I will be talking to on any given day. It could be someone’s mum or dad, a sibling, a grandparent, a lover, friend or even a pet. It might be all of them … you would be surprised.

Every person comes with a story, both in this life and the next. Sometimes that story is detailed, sometimes it is not.  From my point of view, I always want to give the best information I can - to touch the hearts I am working for and to bring happiness, and in many case some closure, to their grief. To date, the majority of my clients have been female, but more and more men are now finding it acceptable to see a medium. 

When I first began doing one-to-one sittings I read for a man who wanted a tarot reading, as this focuses on the individual and not the spirit world. The guy was an ex-marine who was extremely sceptical. I started the reading by giving him information about his current situation in life; where he was headed and what decisions he was having to consider. He jokingly agreed with everything I said and just put it down to lucky guesses.

This reading was meant to be purely about him - what we call a psychic reading. He was not open to hearing from the spirit world, as he did not believe in life after death. During the reading I became aware of the name Mary, so I asked if that was his mother’s name. He said that he did not know anyone by that name. At this point I was losing confidence and feeling very agitated, as all I heard in my head was ‘Mary, Mary’.

He then looked at me, smiling, and said the only person he knew who ever got called Mary was his brother - his dad used to call him this as a joke because he had long hair. As he told me this I was aware of a man behind me and I felt different - bigger, older and very sick. I must have looked it too, as the man I was reading for asked me what was going on. I just said: “I have had your dad here. He has lung cancer and was just like you - a man’s man.” I also gave him the name of his father, at which point he was as white as a ghost. He replied: “That’s my dad, what’s he doing here? It can’t be, he’s dead.”

I continued to tell him about his dad, including many details of his life. My client got very emotional and then stated to feel embarrassed, so I concluded the reading.  He just said: “Thank you … I think”, and left.

I bumped into him shortly after and he dismissed it all, claiming that it was all a load of ‘mumbo jumbo’. I didn’t mind, as I know that his dad managed to pass on his love and best wishes to his family. I then saw him again some time later and a lot of what I had told him about his life had actually happened. He just said: “I try not to think about it as it freaks me out.”

Everyone reacts differently to a personal consultation. Some say very little at the end, some cry, some laugh. Some go away very happy, whilst with others I am left guessing … until, perhaps, they book again a year later. People from all walks of life come to see me and I love the diversity to be found in their personalities and lives. They say that you should never judge a book by its cover … and this really does apply to the work I do. 

First published in The Xpat magazine - Spain

Thursday, 6 March 2008

A sense and Feeling

I wrote about the gift of clairvoyance, as this is something that is commonly associated with psychics and mediums. To continue on from that theme, I thought I would write this month about the gift of ‘clairsentience’ (clear sense or feeling). This is the ability to ‘feel’ things through intuition, which can be done through psychic ability or a mediumistic sense of the spirit world.

I would say that everyone actually has the gift of clairsentience. When you think about it, everybody feels; whether it be happy, sad, hot or cold. These are all feelings at the basic level. As a working medium, I use my feelings on a more advanced level all the time, becoming aware of my links with a feeling in order to sense something important that relates to it. It is a very valuable gift to have and most of us use it without even knowing it. How many times have you entered a room and known that things are just not right? Or perhaps you have met someone for the first time and had the sense that you have known them all your life. These are probably quite common experiences for many of you, although you do not usually recognise the true reason for them: your clairsentience.


If you choose to work on developing your psychic abilities, feelings become paramount. It’s quite common for people to get very emotional whilst developing their ability and this is, in fact, an important part of the process. I have seen people ignore their feelings and instincts many times during my years as a medium, and as a result their life is normally a lot more complicated then it needs to be. My philosophy is never to ignore your gut feelings. They are always correct, even when at times you don’t want them to be.


The spirit world and the universal mind communicate to us all through feelings. Sometime these are strong, sometimes they are very subtle; we just need to learn how to recognise and interpret them. The world is changing at a furious pace and more and more people are becoming sensitive to these changes. Now, more then ever, we must collectively learn to listen to what we feel about the earth and the environment, forging our way forwards to a better world. I believe that this is the only way forward for humanity. The spirit world is constantly sending us information to move away from famine, war and suffering. But only by listening more to our feelings can we create great changes for the better.

So many people ignore their true feelings when their life hits a hard patch. At these times, however, we should be aware of our inner spirit (the part of us that is eternal and all-knowing), which is on a constant pulse, sending feelings and inspiration from within to make us happy. Our inner-self in fact only wants happiness; so anything we say or do that goes against this natural pulse makes us unhappy. Hence the saying: “always listen to your heart, it only wants to be happy”.  

And this is exactly where the real development of humanity rests: in learning to listen to our hearts. Feel what it wants and where it’s taking you as an individual and then honour and respect it as a leading guide in your life. For me, clairsentience is the most valuable psychic gift that humanity has been blessed with. But sadly, it has been undervalued. Everyone has the right and ability to feel the touch of the universe and our loved ones from the spirit world; all you need to do is be still, relax and open yourself to it.

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Healing Power

This month I’d like to cover a subject that is very close to my heart: the power of healing. When I first started to develop my skills as a medium, I also trained in spiritual healing. Along with other like-minded people who wanted to develop this very special gift, I learnt to allow my spirit friends to work through me in order to help others feel better.

There are many forms of healing available today. Alternative therapy is becoming a big industry in its own right. For now I am going to talk about spiritual healing, which includes absent healing (sending positive thoughts out to those who I know are in need of it). True healing means bringing the spirit into harmony with its surrounding environment. This is achieved by drawing upon the creative energy of life. For me, life is more than plants, animals and people. It is also an infinite cycle of thoughts and energy. Healing can occur in many different ways, including the act of giving proof of survival after physical death to someone who is grieving for a loved one. Letting them know that their loved one is safe and sound is healing in itself, aiding the bereavement process. Here are two other specific healing methods that I find very successful:

Spiritual Healing - This common practice of healing is through touch and is often referred to as “Hands on Healing”. The healer gently puts their hands on the person’s shoulders and allows the energy to flow through them, directed by the spirit world to the areas of the body or soul that need the healing energy. 

Psychic or Magnetic Healing - This is when the healing power comes from the healer directly. Many potential healers start out this way and end up becoming tired and drained. Unless they have the right training or the desire to search deeper to find understanding, they may never get beyond this level of healing. There is nothing wrong with this type of healing but it can leave the healer feeling very depleted.

I believe that every living person has the gift of healing. I know that many of you reading this will have been there in someone’s hour of need, offering your ear to them and providing a shoulder to cry on. You have undoubtedly reached out and touched them to show comfort and support. Even stopping in the street and just smiling at someone who looks a bit lost can be a form of healing. Any act that produces a positive impact on someone’s life can be considered a healing act. I believe that with any illness, there is always a deeper spiritual cause. Our body speaks for our mind and soul, so if we become unwell the root of the problem is always on a mental or emotional level, as well as on the physical one. Spiritual healing can assist a person by moving them to a place of deep relaxation, a place where they are ready to look within in order to find the core of their illness. Simply put, healing is the process that enables us as individuals to connect and be in harmony with our inner spirit.

A good tip for any readers who may be feeling ill, for whatever reason, is firstly to stop and be still. Then ask your illness why it is there and what it is trying to tell you. Go with the first answer that comes into your mind, even if you don’t like it. Sometimes the truth hurts. I believe that ill health is our spirit’s way of telling us that we are ignoring its true desires. Only by overcoming this can we truly be happy and healthy.

First published in The Xpat magazine - Spain

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Psychic Investigations


I thought I would write a little about how mediums can be used in a more positive way of investigating situations around people's death.  I often get asked the question from people who want to know about the situations that their loved one leave behind, and don’t always tell us when they are living, commonly these are issues over wills, financial issues, family estates, and adoption 

Very recently I have been asked to try and find out where some money has been put, as its missing, the circumstances around the individual are very sad, as they knew their illness was terminal. They have asked a friend of mine to be executor of the will, who was only told a percentage of what needed to be done and cleared up once the person had died.  Fortunately I have been able to connect with the spirit and give details which have been useful regarding their financial affairs, this has been recently verified with the family concerned and they are uncovering the information I was able to provide. However, it is not always that case, sadly no medium can pick and choose what information the spirit world want to provide or are able to in-still in to a medium's mind. 

Although I have never been involved personally, mediums have been used around investigations in to victims of Crime, and finding missing people. It is something I would be interested in being involved in, but am also aware of the level of responsibility in this matter, the need to detail and accuracy would be paramount, as there are potential legal implications.  There are many TV shows at the moment showing psychic investigations around crime, I find this very interesting, as it is something that can be used in a positive way.

Although, this subject brings another common emotive question up, I have been asked a lot why don’t the spirit people who have been murdered or victims of crime, come through a medium and tell their loved one clearly who did the crime. This question I feel is rarely answered adequately, however my belief is: - The Universe is governed by Natural Law (its different from the human laws we operate by) these laws keep the universe in balance, we as humankind can chose whether to live in harmony with them or not.

The laws which effect Earth & and the spirit world like, free will, cause and effect. The spirit world side can not interfere in our daily lives, as this would infringe on free will and choice, (that’s why I don’t receive the lottery numbers from the other side, it would change my life….. for the better I may add) but also in the same way although taking another’s life is unquestionably wrong, if the spirit world provided names and address of all those people who had murdered and committed crimes, not matter how much we would like them too, it would be affecting lives. The impact would be massive, not just the families of the victim, not just the individual who did the crime but also their friends (its never ever about just one person) and I feel at times we forget this.  I don’t proclaim to agree with these laws, however I do except them, part of spiritual development is to look at the big picture, every thought, action and word creates and changes. Most humans, react, speak and do not contemplate on what there effects our actions have, not just in the short term, but also the long term as well.

I do not feel that it’s impossible for the spirit to give information, which will lead to a prosecution of a criminal, although it is uncommon. Regardless of that though I believe no one escapes universal law and what is known as karma, for what we give out in life so shall it be returned, in a similar way, the universe is always watching and listening, it done not judge, as we do. Things are just things, some are positive some are negative.

It is said that when a person passes to the spirit world, they eventually go to a place with spirits of similar evolvement where they learn and chose to evolve to something better and move close to a place or enlightenment, this is our spiritual journey and we have an eternity to complete it.

Spiritual and human evolvement are different things, its something deeper and bigger, it’s the eternal part of our being, one of the reasons we are born on to earth is to learn to express our spirit and let it lead us in life, and not be controlled by the human part of us, the animalistic side, this is why we suffer so on this earth, its learning to allow our spirit to be master not a primal self.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Clairvoyance - There is more then Seeing

I find being a medium that I get asked the same questions time after time. One of the common ones is “Am I a clairvoyant”?   My answer is always No, but I have the gift of clairvoyance.

I believe there is a difference; unfortunately there is a stigma I find attached to the work Clairvoyants, which is fortune telling, I personally don't wish to have that stigma attached to me, as Clairvoyants tend to be the people you find at a seaside town at the end of the pier.

There is a lot of confusion as to what clairvoyance is so let me explain, firstly as a bit of general knowledge for you the word is French and mean to see clearly, and that is what clairvoyance is, to see.  This can happen in several ways, most commonly being subjective (seeing within the minds eye, our imagination) or objectively seeing with our physical eyes, this does happen but is not very common.

Depending on how I am working and depending on which spirit is working with me has a lot to do with how and what I see.  Most of my clairvoyant images manifest subjectively, I can see either the spirit person who is working with me, I see an image something similar to a photographic negative, on a good day I get colour too.  I may see images of there life, i.e. the home, where they lived, the town or country etc.  I may see where the worked almost anything.  I sometimes get shown there name spelt out, or significant dates and days, birthdays, the day there died. 

If I am working on a more auric or psychic level, like when reading the tarot for someone, I can see there homes, places of work and what they do and more often then not the situation they are in, this is hard to explain, but like mini video of there life at that time. But with strong feelings as to there emotions etc, this last bit is not clairvoyance.  I also get to see events which have happened and sometimes are going to happen, like the changing of employment, births, marriages, and new relationships.

My clairvoyant ability however is not the most dominant gift I use when working, but when it is working, it great fun. 

Lots of people approach the development of mediumship and their psychic ability expecting to SEE Stuff, and commonly claim they don’t.  This is because they expect to see something physical and get disappointed or they just claim that they imagine stuff. When I am teaching others to become psychics and mediums I always impress upon them the need for a vivid imagination for it is in fact here that clairvoyant images are seen.

If you sit and close your eyes and bring the image of a fruit bowl full of colourful fruit, Apples, oranges, bananas etc, the image you see is within your imagination, this is where you will also find your clairvoyance.  For some mediums clairvoyance is a very natural gift, for others it takes time to develop and takes years of discipline and dedication, but there is a lot of fun and enjoyment in learning.

Some people find having a focus tool helps, like a bowl of water, or the famous Crystal Ball, I have one and have only used it once, for a friend. I had just got it, and she came round the day I brought it home and asked me for a reading, so I did, (not taking it too seriously), I tuned in and peered into the ball, and saw nothing at first, and told my friend just that, and then all of a sudden I started to get a image of a man in uniform, however this was not inside the ball but more like, on top of it,  I started to tell, her I can see this tall man with thick black hair and, in a uniform, but not sure what type of uniform, I then saw a rugby and football, So I simply came to a conclusion in my mind, and said you are going to meet a tall man in uniform (he maybe a policeman, a soldier or maybe a postman, I’m really not too sure, but he will love rugby and football and you will marry this man, we both laughed not taking it seriously.  However two years after that event my friend married a great man who served in the forces who loves Rugby and is a big Man U supporter, they are now happily married.

 The key to developing any psychic skill is simply to be open and aware of all that you feel, see and hear and relax and trust.

First published in The Xpat magazine - Spain


 Whenever I  am out in a social situation quite often the question arises what do I do for a living, my answer is that I am a  medium, the responses I get to there are normally one of three things. What is one of them or Oh my god you don’t believe in rubbish like that do you, or, are you picking anything from or around me?  My response to that is either a brief explanation of what I do, or simply yes I do believe and each to there own or I am not working at the moment.

I find people treat me differently once I have informed them what  I do, either I get bombarded with questions or people can be distant from me, a very different reaction from when I told people I was a Admin Assistant, before I became a professional Medium. Its strange that even the non-believes assume I know all their secrets.  In reality I’m just a normal guy trying to get through life, but maybe slightly more aware of unseen things to the untrained mind and eye.  I am not interested in knowing everything about the people I meet, sometimes a little bit of mystery in life makes it more fun, that way you can make it up!

I am blessed with many friends who are working mediums, we all agree though on the same thing – we are just people who can talk to another world, and at this point in time we need our feet on this world – to stay grounded and not fly away with the fairies.  The worst thing a medium can do is let ego take over.  Although sometimes in can be tempting to play up to people when they ask you questions about what we know about them,  I invariably do not. 

Being a medium does not make me blessed with all of life’s answers.  Sadly to date I have not received the lottery numbers and still processing what came first…the chicken or the egg.

Over the years there has been many old wives tales about mediums, psychics and those who deal with the occult and esoteric arts. As a result the idea has arisen that we are all loopy and sit in blacked out rooms talking to the air asking… Is anybody there? I personally prefer the light as for asking if anybody is there – I find myself doing this only some of the time. 

I am not plugged in to the spirit wed 24/7 just some of the time.  I have guides (friends) in the spirit world that guide me in my work and inspire me to work better with them using different techniques to manipulate my mind and thought waves. Alas though they don’t tell me how I should live my life or what horse is going to win the Grand National. Although some mediums will say different – I wonder if it just that my friends don’t like me or feel that will benefit me or that other mediums do not want to take responsibility of their life.  I remember when I first started watching mediums work; both publicly and privately some would say “if you have any questions you best ask quick as when I switch off my life I forget all that’s been said. I have since learnt that once again they do not want to take responsibility for there own actions.  I by nature and a forgetful person, but I remember the people I meet both in this world and through the next, I may not remember a word for word account of what I said, but then again who does?

The secret life off this mediums is simply, I know that there is someone there, I know that when my spirit has had enough of my body that I will go on to a different place and continue to learn and grow and I never doubt that, however like many, I doubt myself, whether or not I will be able to connect well with those who chose to use me as their messenger, whether I will give who ever it is who sees me what they need.  I use the word need not want and the two are very different.  Wanting something and getting it does not always manifest happiness, like money and flash car, but having your needs met quite often does, being loved, kept warm and dry, some of the basic things we take for granted.  I find the spirit world seem to concern themselves with encouraging those I see to find peace, to heal those issues with that stop the finding happiness.

Every now and then like everyone my faith will be knocked, normally by a thoughtless human being, but always there is something in life that will pick me up, I feel blessed that in my own way I am open to Magic, I often get overwhelmed that I am not just talking to someone’s loved one and that there not just in the room next door or in another county but literally in another world, and I still think that’s magic!

First published in The Xpat magazine - Spain

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello friends,

Welcome to my new blog where you can find out all about me.
